Am I to roam the dark of night without hearing from you?
Even as I walk and ponder, my heart, it yearns for you.
So I take a penny to splash a wish, a word concerning you,
Because I can't remember the nights I’ve spent without you.
The thought of you is soothing like a silk memory in the mind.
Your gentle blush is a wispy cloud accenting a blue laden sky.
Who is that one who’d dare attempt to occupy your time?
Tis I! Constantly thinking, praying, working to make you mine!
If desiring gold is a foolish thing, then a treasure hunter's a fool,
A pick, an axe, a rope, and compass are a fool's tools.
I find within that a sobering truth, a letter of the very rule,
My pen and paper, words and thoughts, make me a fool for you.