Friday, April 22, 2011

The Chosen Ones

The book of Matthew 22:14 says, "...For many are called, but few are chosen..." These are Jesus' words after telling a parable concerning the King throwing a wedding feast for his son. The thought concerning being called and chosen came to me as I was driving down Hardy Street.

I am not one of those persons that exclaim every now and then, "I think I have missed my calling"! I know without a shadow of a doubt that God has called me to be a preacher. I have not missed my calling. The problem is MANY are called. Wonderful, I am one of the many that have been called! FEW are chosen. Here is where I'm taking issue or am concerned. Will I be chosen? Am I doing what it takes to be chosen? What lack I yet?

I feel preaching is just one level up from being a Christian and if that is so, what is the next level? Those few that are chosen, what did they do to become chosen and what are they chosen to do? Thoughts anyone?